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- By Jennie Clarke
Another successful AEWM conference came to an interesting end on Wednesday lunch time as the Government announced the invitations to schools to consider a move to Academy status.
Delegates gave the conference an overall value of “excellent” and the Hallmark Hotel in Handforth near Wilmslow provided an outstanding welcome with exceptional accommodation and food. Some thought was given to breaking our existing protocol by returning to this first rate venue again for a second consecutive year in 2011.
The programme included the following presentations:-
Following his opening welcome to us as Director of Childrens Services Stockport, Andrew Webb spoke to us about “helping us to help schools” , with particular reference to the Common Assessment Framework
David Moore a retired HMI with particular interest in attendance and behaviour, spoke to us about his recent work in local authorities looking at CME and EHE
Sue Gregory, a former senior manager in Childrens Services reminded us about the importance of Doing the simple things better
John Chowcat General Secretary for Aspect spoke on the theme of Looking towards the future.
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